Southwest Research Institute

NASA's Juno all set to reach Jupiter; 'We are ready', say spacecraft investigators

After the main engine burn, Juno will be in orbit around Jupiter.

Jul 04, 2016, 08:48 AM IST

Two 'young' craters discovered on Moon

Finding geologically young craters and honing in on their age will help scientists understand the collision history in the solar system.

May 24, 2016, 15:35 PM IST

NASA explorer decodes interstellar magnetic field

Such information gives us a peek into the magnetic forces that dominate the galaxy beyond, teaching us more about our home in space.

Feb 27, 2016, 13:33 PM IST

See mesmerising Pluto in colour now

The wide variety of cratered, mountainous and glacial terrains gives scientists and the public alike a breathtaking, super-high-resolution colour window into Pluto’s geology.

Dec 14, 2015, 11:17 AM IST

JunoCam mission all set to explore Jupiter in 2016!

Juno will get closer to Jupiter than any previous orbiting spacecraft, giving JunoCam the best close-up views yet of the planet's colorful cloud bands.

Dec 05, 2015, 18:10 PM IST

'Snakeskin' photos reveal Pluto in dazzling details

New “snakeskin” mystifying images of Pluto sent by NASA's New Horizons probe have revealed a multitude of previously unseen topographic and compositional details.

Sep 25, 2015, 11:18 AM IST

New photos reveal Pluto`s stunning geological diversity: NASA

 New, high-resolution images of the surface of Pluto beamed from NASA`s New Horizons spacecraft reveal unparalleled geographical variety -- from soaring mountains to sand dunes to frozen ice floes, scientists said Saturday.

Sep 13, 2015, 01:45 AM IST