
BrahMos Aerospace, HAL to take part in Russia's MAKS 2019 where Sukhoi Su-57E will be unveiled

The famed and deadly BrahMos supersonic cruise missile is from the BrahMos Aerospace stable while HAL is involved in manufacturing and assembling several top fighters of the Indian Air Force including the indigenous Ligh Combat Aircraft Tejas, Sukhoi Su-30MKI, Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer, Intermediate Jet Trainer HJT-36, Dornier 228 and HTT-40 Basic Flying Trainer.

Aug 20, 2019, 14:57 PM IST

Sukhoi Su-57E fighter to be unveiled by Russia during MAKS 2019 air show

Both Sukhoi Su-57E and Il-112VE light military transport aircraft have been cleared for export with the mandatory permits. With a reduced radar and infrared signature, the Su-57 enjoys unparalled advantage over the 4th and 4++ Generation fighters currently in service with the air forces around the world, according to Rosoboronexport and Sukhoi Aircraft Company.

Aug 19, 2019, 11:57 AM IST

Sukhoi Su-27 fighters chase away Spanish Air Force F/A-18 Hornet as it tries to intercept Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu's plane

A 41-second-long video shot from inside Shoigu's aircraft shows the F/A-18 flying alongside the plane. Soon a Su-27 escorting the Russian Defense Minister's plane is seen moving in between the two aircraft following which the F/A-18 banks towards the left, ascends and then flies away from the Russian jets.

Aug 14, 2019, 11:54 AM IST

UK Typhoon Eurofighters intercept Russian Tu-142 aircraft near Britain's airspace; Sukhoi Su-30s, Tu-95 nuclear bombers near Estonia

RAF Typhoons deployed on NATO Baltic Air Policing intercepted a Russian Tu-95 Bear bomber, heading west close to Estonian airspace. The Bear bomber was later in the flight accompanied by two Russian Su-30 Flanker fighters.


Aug 12, 2019, 12:16 PM IST

IAF Su-30 fighter jet crashes in Assam's Tezpur, pilots safe

The fighter jet reportedly crashed in a local flying area with both pilots managing to eject safely. They were rescued shortly after.

Aug 08, 2019, 22:05 PM IST

Vympel R-73E: All about Russia's air-to-air missile IAF is buying for Sukhoi Su-30 MKIs

IAF's MiG-21 Bison, MiG-29 UPG and Sukhoi Su-30 MKIs can carry the R-73E missile for a close-range dogfight with enemy aircraft. During the aerial combat on February 27, 2019, IAF Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman flying a MiG-21 Bison had shot down a Pakistani Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon using an R-73 missile.

Jul 30, 2019, 15:47 PM IST

Sukhoi Su-57 enters mass productions, gives Russia a fighter to take on US F-22 Raptor, F-35 Lightning II

Russian Aerospace Force has ordered 76 Sukhoi Su-57 fighters and the first aircraft will be delivered before the end of 2019. The Su-57, which first flew on January 29, 2010, has already been tested under combat conditions in Syria.

Jul 30, 2019, 11:24 AM IST

Venezuela releases video of its Sukhoi Su-30 tracking US EP-3E spy plane

The Venezuelan Defence Ministry claimed that its air force sent several military aircraft including its Sukhoi Su-30 to intercept the EP-3E which left its airspace soon after the combat jets arrived. But the US Southern Command refuted Venezuela's charges and instead accused the South American country of sending its Su-30 to aggressively shadow the EP-3E aircraft.

Jul 24, 2019, 11:50 AM IST

IAF plans to upgrade and make Sukhoi Su-30 MKIs more lethal with Russia's help

The Su-30MKI aircraft will needd new avionics and weapons, said Indian Air Force (IAF) chief Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa in an interview to Russian Defence Ministry newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda. Russia has already helped India upgrade MiG-21, MiG-27 and MiG-29 fighters.

Jul 23, 2019, 17:37 PM IST

Venezuelan Air Force Sukhoi Su-30 fighter intercepts US EP-3E signals reconnaissance aircraft

The US Southern Command, responsible for military activities in Latin America and the Caribbean, claimed the Venezuelan Sukhoi Su-30 "aggressively shadowed" the EP-3E aircraft. The US Southern Command also tweeted photos and videos of the Su-30.

Jul 22, 2019, 16:34 PM IST

Russia offers Sukhoi Su-35 to Turkey after US stops sale of F-35 Lightning II

The Sukhoi Su-35 is a multi-purpose, super-manoeuvrable fighter. Russian defence experts claim the Su-35 outscores all the 4 and 4+ Generation fighters currently flying and even incorporates several 5th Generation characteristics. Turkey's pro-government newspaper Yeni Safak had in early June 2019 reported that the country may opt for either Su-57 or Shenyang J-31, both 5th Generation jets, if the USA decided against the F-35 deal.

Jul 18, 2019, 18:11 PM IST

HAL bolsters Sukhoi Su-30 MKI repair and overhaul capability, ramps up Tejas LCA production

Minister of State Defence Shripad Naik said that the manufacturing capacity for the indigenous Tejas Light Combat Aircraft has been ramped up from eight planes to 16 per year.

Jul 17, 2019, 17:58 PM IST

Finland's F/A-18 C/D Hornets intercept Russian Sukhoi Su-35, Tu-160 bomber, A-50 jet

While the Finnish Air Force did not specify the number of F/A-18s scrambled for the intercept, it tweeted about the incident with photos of the Russian Su-35, Tu-160 and A-50 AEW&C. According to the force, most air policing missions are executed by its F/A-18 C/D Hornet multirole fighters standing on QRA rotation on air bases across the country.

Jul 16, 2019, 19:16 PM IST

When a Russian Sukhoi Su-35S fighter chased away US F-22 Raptor jet

The Russian Su-35S was scrambled after the F-22 reportedly tried to block the Su-27s from carrying out the anti-terrorist operations to the west of the Euphrates river in Syria. 

Jul 16, 2019, 18:09 PM IST

Combination of Su-30MKI and Rafale potent enough to defeat all enemies: Vice Chief Air Marshal RKS Bhadauria

Vice Chief Air Marshal RKS Bhadauria said the combination of Su-30MKI and Rafale will be potent enough to tackle all adversaries, including Pakistan.

Jul 11, 2019, 20:21 PM IST

IAF, French Air Force fighter pilots take selfies while flying Rafale, Sukhoi Su-30 MKI jets

The IAF and French Armée de l'Air tweeted photos of the pilots in the Rafale and Su-30 MKI aircraft during the exercise.

Jul 08, 2019, 12:39 PM IST

Russia offers more Sukhoi Su-35S fighters, which can detect F-35 stealth jets, to China

The +9 g capable Su-35S is a supermanoeuvrable fighter with thrust vectoring engines. Russia claims the Su-35S jet is a quantum leap from Sukhoi’s Su-27 fighter and is just behind the 5th Generation Su-57 stealth aircraft, which the Russian Air Force has started to deploy, in terms of technology.

Jun 28, 2019, 14:28 PM IST

Russian Sukhoi Su-27 fighters, military transport planes intercepted twice in 24 hours by UK RAF Eurofighter Typhoons near Estonia

In the first interceot the Typhoon escorted a Russian military Antonov An-12 transport aircraft on June 25 and a few hours later on the same day, the Euofighters were once again airborne after two Russian Sukhoi Su-27 fighters and one Ilyushin IL-22 (Coot B) military transport aircraft were spotted. On June 14 and 15, RAF Typhoon jets on QRA had intercepted Russian Sukhoi Su-30 fighter aircraft flying to the north of Estonia twice.

Jun 27, 2019, 14:11 PM IST

HAL order book full with top IAF fighter Sukhoi Su-30MKI, LCA Tejas, helicopters

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has said that the present capacity available with HAL is adequate to fulfil the existing orders/projects in hand.

Jun 25, 2019, 08:42 AM IST

Integration of Brahmos missiles on Sukhoi jets to be fast-tracked: Sources

In 2016, the government had decided to integrate the air-launched variant of the Brahmos, the world's fastest supersonic cruise missile, into over 40 Sukhoi fighter jets.

Jun 09, 2019, 13:50 PM IST