
Russian Sukhoi Su-35 intercepts US P-8A warplane over Mediterranean Sea, flies just 25 feet apart: Watch

Russia scrambled its 4++ Generation twin-engine Su-35 fighter from Syria's Hmeymim airbase for the intercept after tracking the US P-8A aircraft. During the second intercept, the Su-35 came within 25 feet of the P-8A, claimed the US Navy.

Apr 21, 2020, 15:40 PM IST

Three get 125-year prison term for Syrian Alan Kurdi's death in 2015

Twelve refugees drowned that day during a failed attempt to sail to the Greek island of Kos, including the toddler's 5-year-old brother, Galip, and their mother, Rehen. The incident symbolized the plight of desperate Syrian refugees.

Mar 18, 2020, 21:23 PM IST

33 Turkish troops killed in Idlib airstrike

At least 33 Turkish soldiers have been killed in an air strike by Syrian "regime forces" in the war-torn country`s Idlib region, a senior Turkish official has said.

Feb 28, 2020, 14:03 PM IST

US strikes in Iraq, Syria target Iranian-backed Shiite Muslim militia group

At least four local Kataib Hezbollah commanders were among the dead, the sources said, adding that one of the strikes had targeted the militia group`s headquarters near the western Qaim district on the border with Syria.

Dec 30, 2019, 06:45 AM IST

Syrian air defenses intercept Israeli missile attack

People in the capital Damascus heard the sound of powerful explosions as a result of the firing of air defenses triggered by the missile attack. One of the missiles fell in the town of Akraba in Damascus countryside. 

Dec 23, 2019, 07:00 AM IST

Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Turkey not to take more Syrian refugees alone

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on an award ceremony in Istanbul that more than 80,000 Idlib brothers started to migrate toward the border of our country, in such a case, Turkey will not bear all alone the burden of this migration. 

Dec 23, 2019, 06:51 AM IST

United Nations Security Council rejects Russia resolution on Syria

The resolution received 5 votes in favour, while 4 members voted against it, and 4 countries abstained. A Security Council resolution requires nine votes and no veto from any of the five permanent members - China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Dec 21, 2019, 06:59 AM IST

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan says 50,000 Syrians fleeing Idlib to Turkey

Turkey currently hosts some 3.7 million Syrian refugees, the largest refugee population in the world, and fears another influx from the Idlib region, where up to 3 million Syrians live in the last significant insurgent-held swathe of territory.

Dec 19, 2019, 16:41 PM IST

Turkish President Erdogan says world cares more about Syria''s oil than its children

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, whose country hosts 3.7 million Syrian refugees, the largest refugee population worldwide, said more than 600,000 should voluntarily join around 371,000 already in a "peace zone" in northern Syria from which Turkey drove Kurdish militia.

Dec 17, 2019, 22:17 PM IST

UAE praises Syria's Assad for 'wise leadership', cementing ties

UAE and Syria restored diplomatic ties last year and the UAE`s vocal support will be welcome by Assad, who has wrested control of most of his country from rebels and jihadis and is seeking to shed his status as pariah to much of the outside world.

Dec 03, 2019, 22:41 PM IST

30 killed in Syria clashes between Kurds: Pro-Turkey forces

Clashes in northern Syria between Kurdish militias and Turkey-backed rebels have left 30 dead, a war monitor reported.

Nov 07, 2019, 07:31 AM IST

Turkey captures sister of dead IS terror group chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Syria

Rasmiya Awad, 65, was detained in a raid near Azaz, the official said, referring to a Turkish-controlled Syrian town near the border. 

Nov 05, 2019, 06:37 AM IST

US looking at new ISIS leader and role in organisation: Official

The group, also known as ISIS, said a successor to Baghdadi identified as Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Quraishi had been appointed. Earlier on Friday, President Donald Trump tweeted: "ISIS has a new leader. We know exactly who he is!" he said, without elaborating.

Nov 02, 2019, 10:00 AM IST

Russia has told Turkey that Kurdish fighters have withdrawn from north Syria: President Erdogan

Russia's defence minister said earlier on Tuesday that the YPG had completed their withdrawal ahead of the deadline, but a top aide to Erdogan said Turkey would now see through planned joint patrols with Russia whether the fighters had really pulled out of the area or not.

Oct 29, 2019, 23:28 PM IST

Donald Trump lifts sanctions on Turkey, says ceasefire in northern Syria now permanent

US President Donald Trump said he instructed Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to rescind sanctions imposed on Turkey after it attacked the Kurds "unless something happens that we are not happy with".

Oct 24, 2019, 12:33 PM IST

US troops leaving Syria not immediately returning home: Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump, speaking to reporters at a meeting of his Cabinet at the White House, also said that it appeared that the pause negotiated with Turkey was holding despite some skirmishes.

Oct 21, 2019, 22:40 PM IST

Turkey agrees to stop military operations in Syria for five days

US Vice President Mike Pence had flown to Turkey to call for a halt in Turkey`s cross-border military operation, called Operation Peace Spring, under which Turkey has aimed to clear YPG Syrian Kurdish fighters from a 20 mile (32 km) deep "safe zone" along the border.

Oct 17, 2019, 23:39 PM IST

Mike Pence to urge Turkey to halt Syria offensive as threat of further sanctions loom

US Vice President Mike Pence will urge Turkey on Thursday to halt its offensive against Kurdish fighters in northeast Syria, a day after President Donald Trump threatened heavy sanctions over the operation.

Oct 17, 2019, 14:03 PM IST

Donald Trump leaves Turkey, Syria 'to argue it out' and clashes with US House Speaker

Donald Trump`s decision to withdraw US forces before a Turkish offensive into northern Syria last week has shattered the relative calm there and he has been accused of abandoning Kurdish militia who helped the United States fight Islamic State militants in the region.

Oct 17, 2019, 06:55 AM IST

US seeks Turkish ceasefire from meeting with Erdogan: Mike Pompeo

Pompeo, in an interview, said the US delegation's goal was to find a resolution to the situation in Syria, not break the US-Turkey relationship.

Oct 16, 2019, 21:27 PM IST