trade wars

Alibaba 'ready' for trade war with US

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba on Thursday said that the company is ready for a possible trade war with the United States, adding that it would not only survive the fight but will also thrive. This comes after the company reported its total earnings for the year.

Aug 24, 2018, 07:34 AM IST

China lodges tariff case at WTO against the US

China has lodged a case against the United States over slapping import duties to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), its commerce ministry said on Friday.

Jul 06, 2018, 18:54 PM IST

China lodges tariff case at WTO against the US

China has lodged a case against the United States over slapping import duties to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), its commerce ministry said on Friday.

Jul 06, 2018, 18:54 PM IST