trans fats

Reducing your trans fat intake may help ward off heart attack, stroke

Some communities in the US -- most notably New York City -- have eliminated the use of trans fats in restaurants and eateries in recent years.

Apr 17, 2017, 16:49 PM IST

Restriction in trans fats leads to healthier communities: Study

According to a new study, areas that restrict trans fats in foods see a lot fewer hospitilisations for heart attack and stroke compared to residents in areas without restrictions.

Apr 15, 2017, 17:43 PM IST

Six things processed foods can do to your body - Watch slideshow!

Six things processed foods can do to your body - Watch slideshow!

Jul 07, 2016, 09:52 AM IST

Not all trans fats harm the heart

As per a new study, not all trans fatty acids are bad for you.

Sep 23, 2015, 14:03 PM IST