Tu Youyou

China names asteroid after Nobel laureate

Li Bin, head of the national health and family planning commission on Monday presented the certificate of the named asteroid to 85-year old pharmacologist.

Feb 02, 2016, 15:46 PM IST

Indian scientists have discovered extraordinary molecules literally from the cold

Indian expeditions to the Antarctica and the setting up of a specialised institution the National Centre for Antarctica and Ocean Research (NCAOR) in Goa have started yielding some results.

Nov 01, 2015, 09:20 AM IST

Chinese firms hope for boost in traditional medicine globally

The anti-malarial compound Artemisinin which won Youyou the prestigious award is extracted from a Chinese herb.

Oct 23, 2015, 22:12 PM IST

'Nobel for Chinese scientist has lessons for Indian folk medicine research'

 The Nobel Prize for Chinese scientist Tu Youyou, who turned to traditional herbal medicine to develop novel malaria therapies, should inspire India to focus on scientifically validating and promoting its rich heritage of folk medicine, an expert said on Thursday.

Oct 08, 2015, 23:33 PM IST