Turkey election

'Erdogan' wins election for third consecutive time in Turkey

Erdogan has won the election for the third consecutive time in Turkey. Erdogan sealed the victory by winning over 52% of the vote. During this, supporters gathered in celebration. Supporters celebrate after the victory.

May 29, 2023, 08:14 AM IST

Turkey Faces Runoff Presidential Election With Tayyip Erdogan Leading

Neither Turkey President Tayyip Erdogan nor his opposition rival Kemal Kilicdaroglu cleared the 50% threshold needed to avoid a second round, which is scheduled to be held on May 28.

May 15, 2023, 08:11 AM IST

In Wake Of Earthquakes, Turkey President Erdogan Forced To Change Focus Of Election Campaign

These elections may turn out to be the most symbolic, dramatic and important in Turkey`s modern history, as they will mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey, will decide the course the country will take in the coming decades.

Feb 27, 2023, 08:54 AM IST

Istanbul votes again in test for Turkish democracy, Erdogan

In the initial March 31 vote, the opposition Republican People`s Party candidate secured a narrow victory over Erdogan`s AK Party (AKP) in Turkey`s largest city, a rare electoral defeat for the president. 

Jun 23, 2019, 22:40 PM IST

Erdogan's AKP leads in Istanbul, Ankara in Turkish local election

The AKP was also leading in the capital Ankara with 51.6 percent of votes after 22.5 percent of ballots were opened, NTV said.

Mar 31, 2019, 22:16 PM IST