Union Carbide Corporation

Protests mark 33rd anniversary of Bhopal gas tragedy

Early on December 3, 1984, toxic methyl isocyanate leaked from the Union Carbide Corporation`s pesticide plant here, killing and injuring thousands. Lakhs of people are still affected and many are dying.

Dec 03, 2017, 18:30 PM IST

Amnesty urges PM Narendra Modi to raise issue of rights violation with US

Narendra Modi is in Washington as a part of the second leg of his three-nation tour, which started in Portugal. This will be his maiden meeting with Trump.

Jun 26, 2017, 17:56 PM IST

Addl District Magistrate creates controversy, terms Bhopal gas tragedy anniversary as ''celebrations''

Additional District Magistrate Ratnakar Jha on Saturday stoked a controversy by making irresponsible comments while referring to the Bhopal gas tragedy anniversary.

Dec 03, 2016, 18:38 PM IST

Petition urges US govt to hold Dow accountable for Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Bhopal Gas Tragedy is considered to be the world's worst industrial disaster.

Jun 14, 2016, 20:37 PM IST