United Nations Organisation

World Oceans Day 2016: Five facts you didn’t know about shark!

Sharks are often considered as the most dangerous species of fish. 

Jun 08, 2016, 12:35 PM IST

World Oceans Day, 2016: A look at Earth's top five largest oceans!

Celebrating these lifelines, the United Nations Organisation (UN) recognized the 8th day of June every year as World Oceans Day, since 2008.

Jun 07, 2016, 23:19 PM IST

World Environment Day 2016: A look at the sordid business of illegal wildlife trade

This World Environment Day, the United Nations Organisation (UN) has pledged “Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Wildlife Trade”, making it the theme for 2016.

Jun 05, 2016, 12:37 PM IST