University of Copenhagen

Big Bang: New study reveals astonishing facts related to evolution of universe

A new study performed by researchers from the University of Copenhagen reveals insights into the first microsecond of the Big Bang and explains about Quark-Gluon Plasma the only matter, which existed during the first microsecond of the Big Bang.

May 27, 2021, 17:43 PM IST

Stool or blood samples can tell whether you can lose weight

Diet should be changed according to the gut bacteria imbalances so that the level of both Prevotella or Bacteroides can be balanced.

Sep 19, 2017, 00:10 AM IST

This new vaccine strategy may prevent HIV infection in monkeys!

A team of researchers have come up with a new revolutionary vaccine strategy that can prevent HIV infection and the development of AIDS in monkeys.

May 18, 2017, 22:57 PM IST

This is the reason why you are craving for sweets!

Scientists have previously shown that hormone growth factor 21 (FGF21) reduces sweets consumption in rodents and primates.

May 03, 2017, 23:29 PM IST

Intense workout may reduce tumour growth: Study

While the research is hopeful for patients looking for inexpensive ways to manage their cancer, more needs to be learned about the effects of exercise on metastasis and longevity, as well as if the observations hold true in humans.

Feb 17, 2016, 21:09 PM IST

Eating healthy? Pass the wind

In non-whole-grain foods, the husk and other parts of the grain, which contain fibre and vitamins, are removed.

Dec 13, 2015, 15:55 PM IST

'Poor semen quality causing infertility in industrialised countries'

The exposure that young people are subjected to today can determine not only their own, but also their children's, ability to procreate.

Dec 12, 2015, 16:11 PM IST

Immune gene tied to Parkinson's disease identified

An estimated seven to ten million people worldwide are living with Parkinson's disease (PD), which is an incurable and progressive disease of the nervous system affecting movement and cognitive function.

Oct 11, 2015, 19:30 PM IST

'Exercise' pills to keep you fit a reality soon

What if you can pop an "exercise" pill daily which mimics the health benefits of running, weight training or endurance exercise to keep you fit and disease-free?

Oct 02, 2015, 20:36 PM IST