Unnao girls death case

Unnao girls’ death case: FIR registered against Barkha Dutt’s Mojo Story, seven Twitter handles for propagating 'fake news'

The Uttar Pradesh Police has registered an FIR against over eight Twitter accounts for allegedly propagating fake news in connection with the death of two dalit girls in Unnao last week. One of the twitter handles is led by senior journalist Barkha Dutt, ‘Mojo Story’. The renowned journalist has termed the FIR a case of brazen "harassment and bullying".

Feb 22, 2021, 16:04 PM IST

Unnao girls' death case: UP police files murder FIR against unidentified persons

The UP police chief further said that the “cause of death of two Unnao girls could not be ascertained in the post-mortem. Their viscera has been preserved for chemical examination.’’ Awasthi further informed that no injury marks were found on the bodies of two girls who were found dead in Unnao on Wednesday evening. A panel of three doctors earlier performed the autopsy of the two girls who were found dead in a field in Unnao, the state police chief said.

Feb 18, 2021, 18:44 PM IST