Unprotected sex

Must take these precautions for safe sex

On International Women's Day 2023, we spoke to Intimacy Coach Pallavi Barnwal, who told how challenging this profession is in India. Pallavi Barnwal told a lot about her life, career, safe sex routines, intimate hygiene and child sexual abuse. Watch full interview to know.

Mar 08, 2023, 11:20 AM IST

Swedish prosecutors to decide on lifting Julian Assange's warrant

Marianne Ny accuses Julian Assange of having unprotected sex with her despite repeatedly having denied him.

May 19, 2017, 09:24 AM IST

Drunk women may engage more in unprotected sex

 Women under the influence of alcohol tend to get more involved in sexual risk-taking and engage more in unprotected sex, a new study has revealed.

Aug 11, 2016, 16:55 PM IST

New survey reveals why men resort to unprotected sex

The study sought to better understand the relationship between perceived attractiveness and condom use intentions in a heterosexual male population between ages 18-69.

Jun 27, 2016, 08:04 AM IST

Know why some college students engage in riskier sex

Young adults experience a lot of instability caused by frequent transitions in their lives.

Dec 11, 2015, 09:13 AM IST

Video: Delhi girl asks for female condom - How people reacted

A video featuring a girl asking for a condom at a medical shop in the national capital has gone viral.

Dec 01, 2015, 20:15 PM IST

Charlie Sheen's nurse ex-girlfriend willingly had `unprotected` sex

The nurse added that the two had known each other for many months before indulging in an unprotected sex, stating that they were a couple.

Nov 19, 2015, 13:36 PM IST

People more fearful of dying from sex than driving: Study

According to Terri D Conley from the University of Michigan, risky behaviour related to sex is judged more harshly than other comparable health risks including car driving, the Atlantic reported.

Nov 16, 2015, 17:26 PM IST

`Unprotected sex` likelier with baby daddies

As per a recent study, young moms are likelier to have unprotected sex with baby daddies, increasing their risk of repeated pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

Oct 18, 2015, 15:43 PM IST

Marijuana, binge drinking lead to unprotected sex

 Undergraduate college students are more likely to have unprotected sex on days they use marijuana or binge on alcohol than on days they don't, warns a study.

Oct 08, 2015, 23:16 PM IST