US presidentail elections

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris wish Indians around the world on Ganesh Chaturthi

The wishes from Biden and Harris come at a time when the campaign for presidential elections is in full swing in the United States and the candidates are trying to woo Indian origin citizens based in the US.

Aug 23, 2020, 09:47 AM IST

US election: Indian-American voters could make huge difference in battleground

As a little over 100 days are left for the elections, both the Republican and the Democratic parties are making huge efforts to reach out to the small but influential Indian-American community.

Jul 19, 2020, 08:52 AM IST

Hillary Clinton maintains slim edge in national poll

The new poll suggested that Clinton might be winning back voters from third-party candidate Gary Johnson, whose support has declined from 10 per cent to 8 per cent.

Sep 19, 2016, 09:54 AM IST

Donald Trump attacks me as he has no answers on substance: Hillary Clinton

"Look, I know Donald Trump hates it when anyone points out how hollow his sales pitch really is."

Jun 23, 2016, 11:34 AM IST

Victorious Hillary Clinton claims historic `milestone` for women

The former first lady took a dramatic step toward the White House by winning New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota.

Jun 08, 2016, 13:04 PM IST

US presidential rivals Clinton, Sanders tied in support among Democrats: Poll

Ted Cruz`s support has risen in recent weeks, making him the first candidate to rival Trump`s popularity among Republicans since neurosurgeon Ben Carson in November.

Apr 13, 2016, 08:38 AM IST

Donald Trump blasts ''rigged'' rules on Republican delegates

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump lashed out at what he called the party`s "rigged" delegate selection rules on Monday after rival Ted Cruz swept all of Colorado`s 34 delegates over the weekend.

Apr 12, 2016, 03:00 AM IST

New Jersey man faces jail for refusing to take down Donald Trump flag

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump appears to have a passionate supporter in Joseph Hornick, a New Jersey man who faces a $2,000 fine or 90 days in jail for flying a flag emblazoned with the billionaire candidate`s name over his home.

Apr 09, 2016, 00:52 AM IST

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton remain top choices: Polls

Amid party establishment`s `Dump Trump` campaign, the billionaire continues to be the top choice of Republican voters for their party`s nomination, while Hillary Clinton beats rival Bernie Sanders in the Democratic contest, according to new polls.

Mar 22, 2016, 11:08 AM IST

Donald Trump's bigotry, bullying, bluster not popular: Hillary Clinton

Claiming that she got more popular votes than Donald Trump, Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has said her Republican rival's "bigotry, bullying and bluster" are not supported by Americans.

Mar 07, 2016, 13:35 PM IST

Donald Trump, Mitt Romney spar over future of Republican party

Donald Trump today fired back at his party's top leader Mitt Romney by labelling him as a "choke artist", a day after the former White House aspirant blasted the Republican presidential front-runner as "a conman" and asked primary voters to block his path to the nomination.

Mar 04, 2016, 13:42 PM IST

Wall Street's big short: President Donald J Trump

'As the market rarely feasts on lack of predictability - Trump represents a nightmare for investors this year.'

Mar 02, 2016, 11:28 AM IST

Donald Trump rally gives way to shoving, yelling amid Latino protests

A presidential campaign rally for Republican frontrunner Donald Trump gave way to pushing and shoving on Wednesday as the billionaire's supporters clashed with a group of Latino student protesters.

Oct 15, 2015, 10:29 AM IST

Carson catches up with Trump, Clinton lead eroding

 A day before the second Republican presidential debate, two new polls found neurosurgeon Ben Carson catching up with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton`s national lead narrowing with a rapid erosion of Democratic women`s support.

Sep 15, 2015, 22:00 PM IST