
Standing desks in schools may help reduce weight in kids: Study

A new research has found that standing desks in schools may help reduce weight in kids. 

Aug 25, 2016, 00:13 AM IST

How to prevent obesity, eating disorders in teenagers

Quick, substantial weight loss methods can trigger medical consequences such as unstable heart rate.

Aug 22, 2016, 20:05 PM IST

Lesser-known health benefits of apple cider vinegar!

Though we all have heard of apple cider vinegar, but might not be aware that it is good for our health.

Jul 31, 2016, 10:26 AM IST

Unhealthy diet can lead to weight gain: Study

Eating a good and healthy diet helps us stay fit and live long.

Jul 19, 2016, 23:32 PM IST

Water can be the new secret to losing weight: Study

We all might have tried many things like to get rid of those excess fats in our body. But have you ever thought of water being the reason of your weight loss.

Jul 12, 2016, 20:22 PM IST

Tragic: Elderly couple dies as wife, weighing 128 kgs, falls on husband in Rajkot

Manjula Vithlani and her husband Natvarlal ​Vithlani died of cerebral haemorrhage in Gujarat's Rajkot.

Jul 05, 2016, 14:43 PM IST

What happens when you comment on your daughter's weight!

The findings suggest that commenting about girls' weight can have a negative impact later in life.

Jun 08, 2016, 18:13 PM IST

Overweight men at increased risk of prostate cancer

 Men should try to maintain a healthy weight as researchers have found that higher body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference are associated with an increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer.

Jun 03, 2016, 16:30 PM IST

Program participation can help keep weight off

The research from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus demonstrated the effectiveness of long-term participation in a national weight-loss program.

May 15, 2016, 10:52 AM IST

Try these detox drinks to lose weight!

Who doesn't want to have a fit and healthy body? Well, everyone does and it can only be achieved when you take care of your diet and also by getting rid of all the toxins in the body. 

May 06, 2016, 11:07 AM IST

Tips for gaining weight for skinny people

 If you are unhappy with your tiny frame and wish to put on some weight, then eat properly, exercise and sleep well, says an expert.

May 04, 2016, 20:50 PM IST

More women opt for silicon balloon implants to lose weight: Doctors

 With obesity on the rise among women, experts have said that silicon balloon implants in the stomach are becoming popular among young women in order to reduce their appetite.

Apr 26, 2016, 20:53 PM IST

Waist not weight puts you at greater liver disease risk

When it comes to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease complications, it is waist that matters, not the weight, according to a recent study.

Apr 17, 2016, 14:29 PM IST

Aspirin benefits outweigh risks in some patients

People who take daily aspirin to stave off heart disease may be inviting more benefit than harm, according to a government-appointed panel of independent experts.

Apr 12, 2016, 09:20 AM IST

Women harshest judges of beauty, weight

Assessing the relationship between gender, BMI and notion of 'attractiveness', a new study finds that weight is intrinsically linked to attractiveness and women are the harshest judges and most harshly judged.

Apr 11, 2016, 11:09 AM IST

World Health Day 2016: Five ways to prevent diabetes!

Diabetes is caused mainly from unhealthy eating habits, stress and lack of physical activity.

Apr 07, 2016, 10:25 AM IST

Obese women using oral contraceptives at stroke risk

 Overweight women using oral birth pills are likely to have an increased risk of a rare type of stroke, suggests a study.

Mar 15, 2016, 15:45 PM IST

Declining weight during ageing linked to cognitive impairment

People having a greater weight loss during ageing are at an increased risk of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) which affects the memory, language, thinking and judging capacity of an individual, says a new study.

Feb 06, 2016, 15:06 PM IST

A healthier diet is costlier!

 Changes in the cost of diet affects its quality and specifically an individual's weight and health, reveals a new study.

Jan 28, 2016, 17:12 PM IST