White House

Military action against Iran still 'on the table': Donald Trump

The President said he aborted a military strike set for Thursday after learning 150 people would be killed.

Jun 23, 2019, 06:28 AM IST

Kim Kardashian attends White House event on hiring former prisoners

"It really is such an honor to be here today," Kim Kardashian West began as she addressed the gathering. She said that the support provided by president Donald Trump to the programme is `magic`.

Jun 14, 2019, 20:24 PM IST

Man who set himself on fire near White House has died: Officials

The man, who was identified as Arnav Gupta, was taken to the hospital and died later that night, the Park Police said.

May 30, 2019, 17:00 PM IST

US President Donald Trump agrees with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on former Vice-Prez Joe Biden: White House

North Korea`s state-run news agency issued a blistering attack last week on Biden, who has been critical of the reclusive communist state in the past.

May 26, 2019, 21:15 PM IST

Donald Trump telephones Narendra Modi to congratulate him, both agree to meet at G-20 Summit: White House

The two leaders also agreed to meet at the G-20 Summit, to be held on June 28 and 29, in Osaka, Japan.

May 24, 2019, 22:06 PM IST

Donald Trump cites executive privilege to block Congress from getting full Mueller report

The White House's move escalated a constitutional clash between the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and Republican President Donald Trump over its powers to investigate him, his administration, his family and his business interests. 

May 08, 2019, 23:07 PM IST

Breaking bad? Donald Trump warns against drug cartels across border with Mexico

In yet another attempt to make a case for funds for a wall on the border with Mexico, Donald Trump says drug cartels in the neighbouring country are pumping in narcotics into the United States.

Apr 30, 2019, 07:58 AM IST

Former US Vice President Joe Biden announces candidacy for 2020 presidential race

Critics say Biden`s standing in polls is largely a function of name recognition for the former U.S. senator from Delaware, whose more than four decades in public service includes eight years as President Barack Obama`s No. 2 in the White House. 

Apr 25, 2019, 15:51 PM IST

Mueller's Russia report outlines episodes of possible Donald Trump obstruction

The release of the 448-page report that disclosed the findings of a 22-month investigation represented a watershed moment in Donald Trump's tumultuous presidency.

Apr 18, 2019, 22:53 PM IST

US: Second woman says ex-VP Biden touched her inappropriately

A Connecticut woman said Joe Biden touched her inappropriately and rubbed noses with her at a 2009 political fundraiser, becoming the second person in three days to accuse the former vice president of unwanted physical contact as he considers a White House run.

Apr 02, 2019, 07:38 AM IST

Donald Trump's top communications aide Shine resigns, moves to re-election campaign

Trump said in a statement released by the White House that Shine had done an "outstanding" job. 

Mar 09, 2019, 07:23 AM IST

Trump pressured aides to get security clearances for Ivanka, Kushner: Media

Ivanka Trump said in a television interview last month that her father had "no involvement" in granting her or Kushner clearances.

Mar 06, 2019, 09:56 AM IST

India a very high-tariff nation, US should impose reciprocal tax too: Donald Trump

Trump said the US could not allow a country to charge it 100 per cent while it got nothing for the exact same product.

Mar 03, 2019, 07:28 AM IST

Donald Trump's talks with Kim Jong-un collapse over issue of sanctions

"It was all about the sanctions," Donald Trump said at a news conference after the talks were cut short. "Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, and we couldn`t do that."

Feb 28, 2019, 23:29 PM IST

US to leave 200 American peacekeepers in Syria after pullout

The decision to retain peacekeepers could help Trump overcome criticism that he had ordered a precipitous withdrawal from Syria that could lead to Islamic State regaining strength.

Feb 22, 2019, 11:02 AM IST

Ex-Democratic congressman Beto O'Rourke, Trump trade blows in rival Texas border rallies

Trump was in El Paso to argue for a wall he says can protect Americans from violent criminals, drugs and a "tremendous onslaught" of migrant caravans.

Feb 12, 2019, 10:47 AM IST

Donald Trump is in 'very good health', says White House doctor

Trump underwent a nearly four-hour annual physical test on Friday-- his second periodic examination after becoming the US President in January 2017.

Feb 09, 2019, 11:27 AM IST

Donald Trump's re-election campaign began 2019 with $19 million in cash

Donald Trump is likely to far outpace the fundraising by Democrats who are just beginning to build campaigns.

Feb 01, 2019, 06:53 AM IST

God wanted Donald Trump to be President: Sarah Sanders

Donald Trump, a Republican, came into power as the 45th US President after the 2016 Presidential elections by defeating his Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton.

Jan 31, 2019, 16:34 PM IST

Don't deal in Venezuelan gold, White House says, in anti-Maduro push

The White House said President Donald Trump spoke to Venezuela`s self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaido, by phone on Wednesday, reiterating support for his "fight to regain democracy."

Jan 31, 2019, 11:07 AM IST