"No good relations at cost of India's integrity": MoS Lekhi slams Pak at Astana meet

Minister of State (MoS) for External Affairs Meenakshi Lekhi on October 13 ruled out any talks with Pakistan at the cost of India's integrity. "I advise Pakistan to dismantle terror infrastructure in their country and get on the better side of law and order, then you can have a conversation with India. We want good relations with all our neighbours including Pakistan but not at the cost of India's integrity," the minister said after the conclusion of the Conference of Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) summit here. "One must understand that all the investments that they (Pakistan) have made in organising and sustaining terror infrastructure, had they made that investment in developing the infrastructure of their country, then maybe many the menace would have gone away," she added.

Oct 14, 2022, 14:50 PM IST