Onkar Sharma

Onkar Sharma

Jaipur SMS Hospital doctors succeed in treating coronavirus patients using drugs for HIV, swine flu, malaria

Jaipur SMS Hospital doctors succeed in treating coronavirus patients using drugs for HIV, swine flu, malaria

Jaipur: The doctors at Jaipur's Sawai Man Singh Hospital succeeded in treating coronavirus positive patients by treating him with medicines of swine flu, malaria and HIV.

Mar 13, 2020 - 07:33 PM IST
Motivational guru walks away without delivering speech after spotting women sitting in front row

Motivational guru walks away without delivering speech after spotting women sitting in front row

In a bizarre incident, a motivational guru walked out of an event without delivering his speech because some women were sitting among the audience in the front row.

Aug 19, 2020 - 04:59 PM IST