This Eid-ul-Fitr, end your fast in a healthier way! - Watch slideshow

This Eid-ul-Fitr, end your fast in a healthier way! - Watch slideshow

Jul 06, 2016, 13:59 PM IST

This Eid-ul-Fitr, end your fast in a healthier way! - Watch slideshow


Festivals are a time of celebration and merry-making. However, most of our bad and unhealthy eating choices sprout from them. It's also no secret that many people use festivals as an excuse to cheat on their diets (Caught you!).

This month, come July 7th, people all across the world will celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr, which marks the end of the sacred month of Ramadan.

After an entire month of fasting, the temptation to binge-eat is strong and the tendency to do the same is manifold.

However, going back to your regular eating habits after fasting for so long, may cause your digestive system to go into shock, since it is not used to digesting heavy food anymore.

It is important to ease the body into ingesting normal portions of food over regular intervals. Below are some useful tips to eat healthy on Eid!


Avoid heavy meals

Avoid heavy meals

Food rich in fat and sugar content take longer to digest and sit in the stomach for a long duration. This may cause bloating, flatulence, indigestion and heartburn. Therefore, start with lighter meals that go easy on your body.


Go for healthy food

Go for healthy food

Choose a meal with healthy ingredients. Remove the fatty parts from non-vegetarian food items and avoid desserts that include condensed milk content. Eat more foods that contain natural sugars like fruits and dry fruits.


Reduce salt intake

Reduce salt intake

High salt levels in food can make you feel bloated owing to fluid build-up. Alternatively, try using other herbs and spices like parsley, coriander powder, thyme, rosemary, pepper, chilli powder, etc., which are healthier options and are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, as well as anti-bacterial properties.


Avoid large meals

Avoid large meals

Consume short and frequent meals, which will go easy on the stomach and will also boost metabolism. It is better to keep short gaps between meals, such as 3-4 hours rather than long gaps such as 6-7 hours.

Eid mubaarak!

-- By Udita Madan