
Greek bourse to reopen Wednesday or Thursday after ECB approval

The Greek stock market will reopen on Wednesday or Thursday after a month-long shutdown but with restrictions on trading by local investors at the request of the European Central Bank, the Greek securities regulator chairman told Reuters on Tuesday.

Jul 28, 2015, 23:24 PM IST

Creditor audit chiefs head to Greece to oversee bailout

The head representatives of Greece's international creditors will return to Athens for the first time in nearly a year to oversee work on the country's new bailout, a finance ministry source said today.

Jul 28, 2015, 20:08 PM IST

IMF confirms receiving Greek request for new loan

The International Monetary Fund said on Friday it had received a letter from Greece seeking a loan facility.

Jul 25, 2015, 09:14 AM IST

EU-IMF team due in Athens `in coming days`

Representatives from Greece`s international creditors are due in Athens in the coming days, the European Commission said, with sources saying logistical issues had pushed back an expected arrival date of Friday.

Jul 24, 2015, 23:34 PM IST

Greece loosens capital restrictions on businesses

Greece started loosening restrictions on foreign transfers by businesses on Friday, unblocking imports held up after the country introduced capital controls last month.

Jul 24, 2015, 19:36 PM IST

Creditors to start talks after Greece passes bailout bill

Greece's creditors will head to Athens shortly to open talks on a huge new international bailout, the government said today, as parliament approved a second batch of reforms needed for negotiations to go ahead.

Jul 23, 2015, 21:16 PM IST

IMF expects `difficult` discussions on new Greek bailout

The International Monetary Fund said Thursday that talks soon to open on a third EU-IMF huge bailout for the Greek economy will not be easy.

Jul 23, 2015, 20:50 PM IST

Greece creditors `satisfied` with new reform vote

Greece`s international creditors are satisfied with the Greek parliament`s adoption Thursday of a second batch of reforms needed to unlock another bailout for the cash-strapped country, an EU official said.

Jul 23, 2015, 19:52 PM IST

Greece passes second crucial bailout bill

Greece`s parliament on Thursday approved a second batch of reforms needed to help unlock a huge international bailout for the stricken economy.

Jul 23, 2015, 18:40 PM IST

On reform, Europe asks Greece to go where many fear to tread

"Francois Hollande is very good at telling others how to do their reforms," opposition French conservative Xavier Bertrand said in a dig at France`s Socialist leader, a key broker in the Greek accord clinched on July 13 after all-night Brussels talks.

Jul 23, 2015, 12:13 PM IST

Euro firms after Greece passes bailout reforms

The euro traded higher against the dollar and the yen on Thursday as Greece`s parliament passed legislation on reforms crucial to securing bailout funds from its creditors.

Jul 23, 2015, 08:29 AM IST

Recent developments in the Greek debt crisis

Greece reaches agreement with eurozone creditors on terms for a third rescue package after 17 hours of negotiations. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras agrees to tough reforms in return for talks on a three-year bailout worth up to 86 billion euros ($93 billion).

Jul 22, 2015, 23:36 PM IST

Greece bailout deal by mid-August: EU`s Moscovici

Greece and its creditors aim to finalise a deal for the country`s third bailout by mid-August in time for Athens to make a huge payment to the ECB, EU Economic Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said Wednesday.

Jul 22, 2015, 21:08 PM IST

EU orders France's EDF to repay huge tax break

The EU ordered France`s electricity giant EDF to repay the French state 1.37 billion euros ($1.5 billion) in back taxes on Wednesday, in a case dating from 1997.

Jul 22, 2015, 19:10 PM IST

Greek bailout vote puts Syriza party rebellion to the test

Greece`s leftist government tried on Wednesday to contain a rebellion in Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras` Syriza party ahead of a vote in the evening on reforms required to start talks on a rescue deal.

Jul 22, 2015, 19:03 PM IST

Greece wants final bailout deal by August 20

The Greek government said Tuesday that it wants to see a final deal on its international bailout hammered out by August 20, as it presented parliament with more draft legislation on the cash-for-reforms agreement.

Jul 22, 2015, 06:59 AM IST

Greece seeks bailout deal by August 20, sends bill to parliament

The Greek government said Tuesday that it wants to see a final deal on its international bailout hammered out by August 20, as it presented parliament with more draft legislation on the cash-for-reforms agreement.

Jul 21, 2015, 18:13 PM IST

Banks reopen, taxes rise as Greece pays billions to creditors

Greece`s government hiked taxes and paid billions of euros to its creditors on Monday, as banks reopened just days after the debt-laden country reached a reforms-for-cash deal with its European partners.

Jul 21, 2015, 08:17 AM IST

Banks reopen, taxes rise as Greece pays billions to creditors

Greece`s government hiked taxes and paid billions of euros to its creditors on Monday, as banks reopened just days after the debt-laden country reached a reforms-for-cash deal with its European partners.

Jul 20, 2015, 23:01 PM IST

Germany eyes Iran business but Israel tops differences

A German delegation led a much anticipated international push for new business in Iran on Monday, but a top official visiting Tehran put Israel at the top of their differences.

Jul 20, 2015, 22:58 PM IST