
Spain PM to submit Greek debt deal to parliament

Spain`s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said Wednesday he will submit the eurozone deal on Greece`s debts to parliament to ensure support for his country`s multi-billion dollar contribution.

Jul 15, 2015, 13:40 PM IST

Greek parliament to vote on controversial bailout

Greece on Wednesday geared up for a parliamentary vote on draconian reforms demanded by eurozone creditors in exchange for a huge new bailout, in what could be Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's toughest political test yet.

Jul 15, 2015, 12:01 PM IST

IMF calls for Greece debt relief as Germany talks tough

The IMF`s stark warning on Athens` debt was leaked as Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras struggled to persuade deeply unhappy leftist lawmakers to vote for a package of austerity measures and liberal economic reforms to secure a new bailout.

Jul 14, 2015, 22:17 PM IST

Some in German govt preferred temporary Grexit: Schaeuble

Initial drafts of the agreement European leaders reached with Greece early on Monday included a German proposal to make Greece take a "time-out" from the euro zone if it failed to meet conditions. 

Jul 14, 2015, 18:55 PM IST

Greek PM faces 'Gordian Knot' to pass reforms for deal

Having staved off financial meltdown with a new agreement from Greece`s international creditors, Tsipras now faces the anger of lawmakers and the public for agreeing to measures much tougher than those rejected in a referendum on July 5. 

Jul 14, 2015, 17:01 PM IST

Greek PM Tsipras faces party revolt over bailout deal

The terms imposed by international lenders led by Germany in all-night talks at an emergency summit obliged Tsipras to abandon promises of ending austerity.

Jul 14, 2015, 08:31 AM IST

Eurozone leaders agree tough Greek bailout deal

After gruelling 17-hour talks during which the future of European integration hung in the balance, leftist Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras accepted terms set by his distrustful partners.

Jul 14, 2015, 00:30 AM IST

Critics on left and right slam Greece debt 'coup'

Politicians on the far left and right accused European powers of negotiating with a "gun to the head" of Greece and terrorising and colonising it through Monday`s new debt deal.

Jul 14, 2015, 00:24 AM IST

IMF `ready to work with Greece, EU`

The International Monetary Fund said it stands is prepared to work with Greece and European Union partners to advance the third bailout effort for the country agreed early Monday.

Jul 14, 2015, 00:09 AM IST

Greek civil servants' union calls 24-hour strike for Wednesday

Greece's public servants are being called to stage a 24-hour strike for Monday, the day their country's parliament is to vote on reforms needed to unlock a crucial eurozone rescue.

Jul 14, 2015, 00:02 AM IST

Eurozone, Greece agree 86 billion euros bailout deal

Eurozone leaders made Greece surrender much of its sovereignty to outside supervision on Monday in return for agreeing to talks on an 86 billion euros bailout to keep the near-bankrupt country in the single currency.

Jul 13, 2015, 22:03 PM IST

Several eurozone parliaments to vote on new Greek debt deal

Even if Greece and its European partners finally reached a deal on a third aid programme in gruelling weekend talks, it must still be approved by eight different national parliaments.

Jul 13, 2015, 21:45 PM IST

Factbox: Summary of Eurogroup proposal on Greece

Eurozone leaders at a summit in Brussels were reviewing a draft proposal from their finance ministers that sets out conditions for Greece to open negotiations on a bailout.

Jul 13, 2015, 21:23 PM IST

Eurozone discusses short-term Greece loan after bailout deal

Eurozone finance ministers on Monday began what Finland said would be difficult new talks for a loan to help Greece meet short-term needs after it struck a three-year bailout deal.

Jul 13, 2015, 20:53 PM IST

Greek banks to remain shut: Finance ministry source

Greek banks will remain shut beyond Monday, a finance ministry source said as authorities struggled to contain the economic damage from a two-week closure brought about by a cash shortage.

Jul 13, 2015, 20:48 PM IST

Punishing terms of Greek bailout deal

The austerity measures that Greece agreed to on Monday in return for a bailout to stave off a euro exit involve some of the harshest terms Athens has faced in five years of rescue programmes.

Jul 13, 2015, 20:19 PM IST

Greek deal 'not possible without Franco-German alliance'

The alliance between France and Germany had been "crucial" in reaching a historic bailout deal with Greece after marathon EU talks, the foreign ministers of the two countries said Monday.

Jul 13, 2015, 20:04 PM IST

For France, mission accomplished as "Grexit" averted

As President Francois Hollande led Angela Merkel off for a working dinner at his Elysee Palace a week ago last Monday, his advisers breathed deep sighs of relief.

Jul 13, 2015, 19:05 PM IST

Greeks see 'humiliation' in harsh terms of eurozone bailout

Greeks were bracing Monday for the effects of the tough terms of an agreement that secured the country`s third bailout in five years, with many rejecting them while others said they were necessary to stay in the euro.

Jul 13, 2015, 18:47 PM IST

Relief - and much anger - in Greece as Alexis Tsipras clinches deal

Greeks greeted news of a deal with creditors on Monday with a measure of relief mixed with much anger, particularly at Germany, after it became clear Greece will have to swallow more austerity that could fracture the government and spark a backlash.

Jul 13, 2015, 18:43 PM IST