Healthy eating

Fermented food like yoghurt good source of nutrients: Experts

Food experts suggest that yogurt, which is produced by bacterial fermentation of milk, can be a source of important nutrients, including protein.

Sep 07, 2017, 19:35 PM IST

High-fat diet uplifts physical strength, increases lifespan

A new study claims that ketogenic diets have gained popularity for a variety of health benefit claims, but scientists are still teasing out what happens during ketosis, when carbohydrate intake is so low that the body shifts from using glucose as the main fuel source to fat burning and producing ketones for energy.

Sep 06, 2017, 16:26 PM IST

Chocolate cravings may be a cultural norm: Study

Researchers from University at Albany in the US tested the surprising, yet increasingly compelling hypothesis that menstrual chocolate cravings may be a culture-bound construct.

Sep 04, 2017, 14:56 PM IST

Low-fat, high carb diet may increase death risk: Study

The lowest risk of death was in those people who consume three to four servings (or a total of 375 to 500 grammes) of fruits, vegetables and legumes a day, researchers said.

Aug 30, 2017, 19:43 PM IST

Wind-chimes can encourage fussy kids to eat more greens

Researchers found that playing high chirpy notes like wind chimes while children eat, inadvertently improves flavour by sweetening the taste.

Aug 29, 2017, 20:35 PM IST

Treat yourself to some healthy, sugar-free goodness to satisfy your sweet-tooth cravings!

To curb the effect of sugar-based confectioneries, experts have suggested sugar-free treats that are a healthier alternative.

Aug 27, 2017, 09:07 AM IST

Can't live without your daily coffee kick? Here's how it's making you fat!

Suppressing the receptors awakens people but decreases their ability to taste sweetness, which may make them desire it more, say researchers.

Aug 26, 2017, 09:57 AM IST

Older adults should consume an avocado daily to strengthen eyes and boosts memory

According to to the new study, 40 healthy adults aged 50 and over, who ate one fresh avocado a day for six months, experienced a 25% increase in lutein levels in their eyes and improved cognitive function.

Aug 25, 2017, 22:26 PM IST

Men, take note! Want to smell more attractive? Include more fruits and veggies in your diet

The study establishes what previous researches have shown – the notion that scent and health are linked and play a significant role in how desirable someone appears.

Aug 18, 2017, 14:09 PM IST

Pregnancy after eating? Ex-lingerie model suffers from rare condition making her look 9 months pregnant!

The condition causes her uterus, bowel, fallopian tubes and ovaries to fuse together and the tissue that is supposed to grow inside the uterus grows out of it.  

Aug 17, 2017, 18:52 PM IST

Does your child skip breakfast? It could put them at a risk of malnutrition!

Children who ate breakfast every day were deemed to have overall superior nutritional profile compared to those who didn't.

Aug 17, 2017, 10:13 AM IST

Drinking tea, red wine may protect against flu: Study

Flavonoids are commonly found in black tea, red wine and blueberries.

Aug 13, 2017, 19:29 PM IST

'Spicy food challenge': Indonesian vlogger left temporarily deaf and scientists know the reason!

The noodles Sumadiwiria ate were made with 100 bird's eye chilies or Thai chilies.

Aug 13, 2017, 18:44 PM IST

A handful of almonds a day keeps the doctors away – Here's what a study has said!

Almonds work by gathering cholesterol from tissues, like the arteries, and helping transport it out of the body.

Aug 12, 2017, 19:28 PM IST

WARNING: Artificial sweeteners may cause weight gain, increase diabetes risk

When sweetness and calories are matched, the calories are metabolised, and this is registered by the brains reward circuits.

Aug 11, 2017, 16:47 PM IST

Goodbye, dripping ice creams! This new creation will make eating your favourite desserts a happy experience

Scientists have adapted the ice cream by injecting it with polyphenol liquid extracted from strawberries.

Aug 08, 2017, 16:15 PM IST

Protein rich diet may provide relief from bowel disease

Researchers sequenced DNA from the intestines of the two groups of mice. They found six bacterial species present in the mice with the immune cells but absent from the mice without them.

Aug 06, 2017, 18:57 PM IST

International Beer Day 2017: Five surprising health benefits of drinking beer!

Every year, the first Friday of August is celebrated as the International Beer Day throughout the world.

Aug 04, 2017, 14:07 PM IST

Five warning signs that you are consuming too much sugar!

Many people didn't know that not just foods like candy, cookies contain sugar, even pasta, bread and diet soda also contains a lot of it.

Aug 02, 2017, 20:20 PM IST

'Say no to meat' is the apolitical message from experts

Eating meat can have adverse effects not only on the health of the person but also on their offspring, especially in case of women.

Aug 02, 2017, 12:12 PM IST