Healthy eating

Eating green leafy vegetables may reduce stroke risk: Study

According to the findings, people who ate more green leafy vegetables had 64 per cent lower risk of experiencing a stroke.

Jan 28, 2018, 18:50 PM IST

Fish containing omega-3 more effective in cancer prevention than flaxseeds

There are three types of Omega-3 fatty acids: a-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). 

Jan 27, 2018, 16:05 PM IST

Consuming dietary fibre like peas, broccoli can help prevent obesity

Eating healthy is the first thing that comes to mind when one decides to lose weight, besides regular exercise. 

Jan 24, 2018, 14:12 PM IST

Slow down the process of ageing, go on an antioxidant-rich diet

The reason that antioxidants are often touted as 'anti-ageing' compounds is that they help protect from age-related diseases, which are caused in part by free radicals and inflammation.

Jan 23, 2018, 13:38 PM IST

Excessive salt intake can cause dementia, warn researchers

In mice, the high-salt diet reduced the resting cerebral blood flow by 28 percent in the cortex and 25 percent in the hippocampus – brain regions involved in learning and memory.

Jan 18, 2018, 11:42 AM IST

Give your health a boost with sesame seeds – Experts tell you how

Known for its distinct nutty flavour, sesame seeds are not only extolled for their nutritional content in seed form, but are also highly valued for their rancid-resistant oil.

Jan 16, 2018, 10:59 AM IST

Patients undergoing breast cancer therapy need to stay away from these foods

Researchers used advanced metabolomics technology to analyse the effects of palbociclib/letrozole on breast cancer cells.

Jan 15, 2018, 17:27 PM IST

Fight arthritis, eat muesli for breakfast: Study

Short-chained fatty acids are important for the body as they provide energy, stimulate intestinal movement and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Jan 15, 2018, 12:02 PM IST

Mediterranean diet can protect older adults from becoming frail: Study

Frailty is common among older people and its prevalence is increasing as the population ages.

Jan 12, 2018, 18:35 PM IST

Lucknow doctor hangs himself after being denied non-vegetarian food by wife

Identified as Umashankar, the doctor hung himself at his residence at night, after a heated argument with his wife Deepti, a sales tax official, over eating non-vegetarian food.

Jan 12, 2018, 14:15 PM IST

Unable to stick to a healthy diet? Sleep for an extra hour every day

The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, looked at the impact of increasing sleep hours on nutrient intake.

Jan 11, 2018, 18:03 PM IST

Research reveals another downside of drinking sugary drinks, juices – Read

People who drank diet soda daily were almost three times as likely to develop stroke and dementia.

Jan 02, 2018, 17:38 PM IST

Expert reveals weight loss secret which can 'transform your health in 21 days'

'Eating junk food and then trying to beat the bulge with heavy workouts is a waste of time.'

Dec 31, 2017, 12:03 PM IST

Water diet the 'most dangerous weight loss regime ever', warn nutritionists

The trend gained popularity on social media with thousands of people using the hashtag #waterfast to document their progress and encourage others to take part.

Dec 27, 2017, 18:32 PM IST

Beware! Adulterated milk may cause abortions and deformities in babies

Cattle are fed with many steroids and hormonal injections to boost the delivery of milk production.

Dec 27, 2017, 17:05 PM IST

Study links processed red meat consumption with increased cancer risk

Cancer Research UK has acknowledged a correlation between processed and red meats and the deadly disease.

Dec 26, 2017, 14:49 PM IST

Facing difficulties in conceiving? Try these simple diet tricks

Although, most gynecologist and physicians swear by the importance of good food during the pregnancy, only a few will tell you that going on a low carb diet will also increase your fertility.

Dec 25, 2017, 12:06 PM IST

Parents, take note! Feeding fish to your kids once a week can improve sleep, IQ

While omega-3 fatty acids found in fish have previously been shown to improve intelligence and sleep which in turn improves IQ, this is the first time all three have been linked together.

Dec 22, 2017, 16:46 PM IST

Want a healthy heart? Consume more of soy nuts, pulses daily

According to a previous study, a diet high in animal protein is associated with a higher risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a condition in which fat builds up in the liver, in overweight people.

Dec 22, 2017, 10:39 AM IST

Eating tomatoes, apples may restore lung damage in smokers

This study shows that diet might help repair lung damage in people who have stopped smoking.

Dec 21, 2017, 19:35 PM IST