Tech startups

The Silicon Valley Bank Crisis: MoS Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar To Meet With Head Of Indian Startups

The SVB crisis is the largest bank failure in the US history since the financial crisis of 2008, whose ripple effects have been felt across the world.

Mar 12, 2023, 10:53 AM IST

Explainer: The Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) Crisis Hit US Badly; What Are Causes Of Disaster?

The Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was known to be a major source of funding for technology startups when other options like Initial Public Offering (IPO) aren't available amid liquidity crunch. 

Mar 11, 2023, 08:01 AM IST

Over 90% startups in India fail in first five years

Owing to the lack of pioneering innovation and stalled funding, more than 90 per cent startups in India fail in the first five years, a study by software major IBM revealed on Wednesday.

May 17, 2017, 15:26 PM IST

India has world's 3rd largest base of tech startups: Google

With more than 4,100 enterprises, India is the third-largest base of tech startups in the world and the number is set to grow manifold over the next few years, technology giant Google said Wednesday.

Dec 09, 2015, 23:22 PM IST