Healthy eating

Foods for longevity: Eat these to turn back the clock

Instead of piling up on processed foods loaded with artificial sweeteners and offers less nourishment, try to consume more nutrient-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables that promote health and longevity. 

Mar 02, 2017, 13:07 PM IST

70 grams of walnuts a day can boost sperm quality, says study!

Walnuts are the only tree nut that are predominantly comprised of PUFAs, researchers said.

Mar 01, 2017, 19:23 PM IST

Ten portions of fruits and vegetables a day can cut down your risk of cancer!

This is the finding of new research, led by scientists from Imperial College London, which analysed 95 studies on fruit and vegetable intake.

Feb 28, 2017, 22:37 PM IST

If you are skipping breakfast, these things might happen to your body!

Do you often skip your breakfast? If yes, then it is not good and can cause many health problems.

Feb 25, 2017, 00:11 AM IST

Olive oil: What makes it so healthy, important facts to know

Being an essential part of the Mediterranean diet, most health benefits of olive oil are attributed to the natural properties it possesses. 

Feb 24, 2017, 12:03 PM IST

Tweets may predict your dieting success: Study

 Other traits of successful dieters are that they tend to be more focused on topics related to health and fitness, and they are more socially interactive.

Feb 22, 2017, 16:51 PM IST

Suffering from obesity-related pain? Mediterranean diet may help you!

A well-established connection between body weight and chronic pain might be explained by inflammation in the body, and the study points to anti-inflammatory foods including fish, nuts and beans as a key to preventing or reducing that pain.

Feb 22, 2017, 14:27 PM IST

Consuming mercury-rich fish may up your risk of ALS, warns study!

The findings do not negate the fact that eating fish provides many health benefits.

Feb 21, 2017, 16:17 PM IST

Chewing gum may adversely affect digestive system

Ingestion of the compound, known as titanium dioxide, is nearly unavoidable.

Feb 20, 2017, 17:38 PM IST

A son's ability to reproduce dependent on father's nutritional history?

Experiments were carried out in the fruit fly, which shares many similar pathways and characteristics with human genes.

Feb 17, 2017, 00:06 AM IST

Lesser known health benefits of Himalayan salt!

As it is unrefined, unpolluted and unprocessed, Himalayan salt is considered a healthier option than the regular salt.

Feb 14, 2017, 23:48 PM IST

Five superfoods every new mother should eat post pregnancy!

Eating the right food is very important for new moms as it will provide them the essential nutrients without compromising on their health.

Feb 14, 2017, 23:23 PM IST

Fruits and vegetables can combat depression in merely two weeks!

 Researchers from the University of Otago studied 171 adults aged between 18 and 25 about their dietary habits.

Feb 12, 2017, 21:01 PM IST

Want to get big muscles? Start consuming legumes, nuts and kale!

The results suggested that swapping meat and eggs for lentils, nuts, cereals, beans and soya could add years to someone`s life and substantially reduced death rates.

Feb 12, 2017, 11:49 AM IST

Want to get back in shape? Consuming brown rice is the solution!

Health experts further believe that this not only accelerates weight loss but is also equivalent to a half-an-hour brisk walk.

Feb 09, 2017, 09:42 AM IST

Include these zero-cholesterol foods in your diet for a healthy living!

Who doesn't want to lead a healthy life? 

Feb 08, 2017, 22:39 PM IST

This is why you should eat pasta regularly!

A new research has revealed that people who eat pasta regularly may have better diet quality, greater intake of vitamin and minerals and can better manage blood sugar levels, as compared to those who doesn't eat it.

Feb 07, 2017, 13:55 PM IST

Cancer-fighting foods: Seven reasons to eat more whole grains

Whole grains - such as wheat flour, oatmeal, corn, brown rice - contain fiber-rich bran, nutrient-packed germ and starchy endosperm, which are all natural parts and are good for your health.

Feb 06, 2017, 10:37 AM IST

Eat grapes daily to prevent Alzheimer's disease

Who doesn't like to eat grapes? Well, everyone does as the fruit is not only delicious but also promotes many health benefits. 

Feb 04, 2017, 14:44 PM IST

Have long transit time? Exercise or catch local eateries

Skyscanner, one of the leading global travel search company, gives the best travel hacks to make the most of the time spent in limbo.

Feb 04, 2017, 00:44 AM IST